Enable the Monitor to send alert emails

As an administrator, you can configure the Monitor to send emails to operators and administrators when alerts occur. The Monitor supports the SMTP and MAPI protocols for sending emails.

 To enable the Monitor to send alert notifications by email
  1. Log in to the Monitor as an Administrator.

  2. Choose Tools » Administration.

  3. Click Configuration.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Click Alert Notification.

  6. Select Send Alert Notifications By Email.

  7. Choose either SMTP or MAPI for the Which Protocol Do You Want To Use To Send Alerts By Email? field.

  8. Configure the other settings as required.

    • MAPI  

      • User Name   Type the user name for the MAPI server.

      • Password   Type the password for the MAPI server.

    • SMTP  

      • Server   Specify which SMTP server to use. Type the server name or the IP address for the SMTP server. For example, SMTP.yourcompany.com.

      • Port   Specify the port number to connect to on the SMTP server. The default is 25.

      • Sender Name   Specify an alias for the sender's email address. For example, JoeSmith.

      • Sender Address   Specify the email address of the sender. For example, jsmith@emailaddress.com.

      • This SMTP Server Requires Authentication   Select this option if your SMTP server requires authentication.

        • User Name   Specify the user name to provide to SMTP servers requiring authentication.

        • Password   Specify the password to provide to SMTP servers requiring authentication.

  9. Click Send Test Email.

  10. When prompted, enter an email address to send the test email to and click OK.

    A test email is sent to the email address specified.

  11. Click Save.

  12. Click Close.

    When an alert occurs, the Monitor sends alert emails to operators and administrators who have specified email addresses in their user accounts. These users receive emails for the resources that they are associated with. See Create Monitor users and Associate Monitor users with resources.

 See also