Enable procedure profiling

Once procedure profiling is enabled, the database server gathers profiling information until you disable profiling or until the database server is shut down.


All profiling information is deleted when the database server is shut down. To export profiling information, use the sa_procedure_profile system procedure. See sa_procedure_profile system procedure.

You cannot use SQL statements to query profiling information retained by the database server. Profiling information is kept in in-memory database server data structures.

 To enable procedure profiling (Sybase Central)
  1. Use the SQL Anywhere 12 plug-in to connect to the database as a user with DBA or PROFILE authority.

  2. In the left pane, select the database.

  3. Choose Mode » Application Profiling.

    If the Application Profiling Wizard does not appear, choose Application Profiling » Open Application Profiling Wizard.

  4. Follow the Application Profiling Wizard instructions.

  5. On the Profiling Options page, select Stored Procedure, Function, Trigger, Or Event Execution Time.

  6. Click Finish.

    If you switch to another mode, a prompt appears asking whether you want to stop collecting procedure profiling information. Select No to continue working in other modes while profiling continues.

 See also