The PROFILE authority allows a user to perform the following profiling, tracing, and diagnostic operations:
The PROFILE authority is not inheritable by group membership.
Users with PROFILE authority are automatically added to the diagnostics group.
Performing procedure profiling and request logging requires the user to use the sa_server_option system procedure for configuration. Access to this procedure is granted to users with PROFILE authority, but only for the options related to procedure profiling and request logging.
When performing application profiling and diagnostic tracing, users with PROFILE authority, but not DBA authority, cannot create a separate database for storing the profiling and tracing data unless they have specific permissions to unload a database. However, they can store the data in the same database or in another database to which they can already connect.
To grant this authority, the database must have been created by a SQL Anywhere 11 or later database server, or have been upgraded to a version 11 or later database using the Upgrade utility (dbupgrad), or the ALTER DATABASE UPGRADE statement. See Upgrade utility (dbupgrad) and ALTER DATABASE statement.
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