Checkpoint and recovery statistics

These statistics isolate the checkpoint and recovery actions performed when the database is in an idle state.

Statistic Scope Description
Checkpoint Flushes/sec Database Shows the rate at which ranges of adjacent pages are written out during a checkpoint.
Checkpoint Urgency Database Shows the checkpoint urgency, expressed as a percentage.
Checkpoints/sec Database Shows the rate at which checkpoints are performed.
ChkptLog: Bitmap size Database Shows the size of the checkpoint log bitmap.
ChkptLog: Commit to disk/sec Database Shows the rate at which checkpoint log commit_to_disk operations are being performed.
ChkptLog: Log size Database Shows the size of the checkpoint log in pages.
ChkptLog: Page images saved/sec Database Shows the rate at which pages are being saved in the checkpoint log before modification.
ChkptLog: Pages in use Database Shows the number of pages in the checkpoint log which are currently in use.
ChkptLog: Relocate pages/sec Database Shows the rate at which pages in the checkpoint log are being relocated.
ChkptLog: Save preimage/sec Database Shows the rate at which new database page preimages are being added to the checkpoint log.
ChkptLog: Write pages/sec Database Shows the rate at which pages are being written to the checkpoint log.
ChkptLog: Writes/sec Database Shows the rate at which disk writes are being performed in the checkpoint log. One write can include multiple pages.
ChkptLog: Writes to bitmap/sec Database Shows the rate at which disk writes are being performed in the checkpoint log for bitmap pages.
Idle Actives/sec Database Shows the rate at which the database server's idle thread becomes active to do idle writes, idle checkpoints, and so on.
Idle Checkpoint Time Database Shows the total time spent doing idle checkpoints, in seconds.
Idle Checkpoints/sec Database Shows the rate at which checkpoints are completed by the database server's idle thread. An idle checkpoint occurs whenever the idle thread writes out the last dirty page in the cache.
Idle Writes/sec Database Shows the rate at which disk writes are issued by the database server's idle thread.
Recovery I/O Estimate Database Shows the estimated number of I/O operations required to recover the database.
Recovery Urgency Database Shows the recovery urgency expressed as a percentage.