SYSUSERPERM compatibility view (deprecated)

This view is deprecated because it only shows the authorities and permissions available in previous versions. You should change your application to use the SYSUSERAUTHORITY system view instead.

Each row of the SYSUSERPERM view describes one user ID.

The tables and columns that make up this view are provided in the SQL statement below. To learn more about a particular table or column, use the links provided beneath the view definition.

  as select b.user_id,
    if exists(select * from SYS.ISYSUSERAUTHORITY
      where ISYSUSERAUTHORITY.user_id = b.user_id and ISYSUSERAUTHORITY.auth = 'RESOURCE') then
      'Y' else 'N' endif as resourceauth,
    if exists(select * from SYS.ISYSUSERAUTHORITY
      where ISYSUSERAUTHORITY.user_id = b.user_id and ISYSUSERAUTHORITY.auth = 'DBA') then
      'Y' else 'N' endif as dbaauth,
    'N' as scheduleauth,
    if exists(select * from SYS.ISYSUSERAUTHORITY
      where ISYSUSERAUTHORITY.user_id = b.user_id and ISYSUSERAUTHORITY.auth = 'PUBLISH') then
      'Y' else 'N' endif as publishauth,
    if exists(select * from SYS.ISYSUSERAUTHORITY
      where ISYSUSERAUTHORITY.user_id = b.user_id and ISYSUSERAUTHORITY.auth = 'REMOTE DBA') then
      'Y' else 'N' endif as remotedbaauth,
    if exists(select * from SYS.ISYSUSERAUTHORITY
      where ISYSUSERAUTHORITY.user_id = b.user_id and ISYSUSERAUTHORITY.auth = 'GROUP') then
      'Y' else 'N' endif as user_group,
    from SYS.ISYSUSER as b
      left outer join SYS.ISYSREMARK as r on(b.object_id = r.object_id)
 See also