SYSUSER system view

Each row in the SYSUSER system view describes a user in the system. The underlying system table for this view is ISYSUSER.

Column name Data type Description
user_id UNSIGNED INT A unique identifier for the user assigned to the login policy.
object_id UNSIGNED BIGINT A unique identifier for the user in the database.
user_name CHAR(128) The login name for the user.
password BINARY(128) The password for the user.
login_policy_id UNSIGNED BIGINT A unique identifier for the login policy.
expired_password_on_login TINYINT Indicates if the user's password expires at the next login.
password_creation_time TIMESTAMP The time the user's password was created.
failed_login_attempts UNSIGNED INT The number of times a user can fail to log in before the account is locked.
last_login_time TIMESTAMP The time the user last logged in.

For databases created using SQL Anywhere 12, the underlying system table for this view is always encrypted to protect the data from unauthorized access.

 Constraints on underlying system table
 See also