Reports summary information about the execution times for all procedures, functions, events, or triggers that have been executed in a database. This procedure provides the same information for these objects as the Profile tab in Sybase Central.
sa_procedure_profile_summary( [ filename [, save_to_file ] ] )
filename Use this optional LONG VARCHAR parameter to specify the file to which the profiling information is saved, or from which file it should be loaded. See the Remarks section below for more about saving and loading the profiling information.
save_to_file Use this optional INTEGER parameter to specify whether to save the summary information to a file, or to load it from a previously saved file.
Column name | Data type | Description |
object_type | CHAR(1) | The type of object. See the Remarks section below for a list of possible object types. |
object_name | CHAR(128) | The name of the stored procedure, function, event, or trigger. |
owner_name | CHAR(128) | The object's owner. |
table_name | CHAR(128) | The table associated with a trigger (the value is NULL for other object types). |
executions | UNSIGNED INTEGER | The number of times each procedure has been executed. |
millisecs | UNSIGNED INTEGER | The time to execute the procedure, in milliseconds. |
foreign_owner | CHAR(128) | The database user who owns the foreign table for a system trigger. |
foreign_table | CHAR(128) | The name of the foreign table for a system trigger. |
You can use this procedure to:
Return current summary information To do this, you can simply call the procedure without specifying any arguments.
Save current summary information to file To do this, you must include the filename argument and specify 1 for the save_to_file argument.
Load stored summary information from a file To do this, you must include the filename argument and specify 0 for the save_to_file argument (or leave it off, since the default is 0). When using the procedure in this way, the loaded file must have been created by the same database as the one from which you are running the procedure; otherwise, the results may be unusable.
Since the procedure returns information about the usage frequency and efficiency of stored procedures, functions, events, and triggers, you can use this information to fine-tune slower procedures to improve database performance.
Before you can profile your database, you must enable profiling. See Enable procedure profiling.
The object_type column of the result set can be:
P stored procedure
F function
E event
T trigger
S system trigger
C ON UPDATE system trigger
D ON DELETE system trigger
If you want line by line details for each execution instead of summary information, use the sa_procedure_profile procedure instead.
DBA authority
The following statement returns the execution time for any procedure, function, event, or trigger that has been executed in the database:
CALL sa_procedure_profile_summary( ); |
The following statement returns the same summary information as the previous example, and saves it to a file called summaryinfo.txt:
CALL sa_procedure_profile_summary( "summaryinfo.txt", 1 ); |
Either of the following statements can be used to load stored summary information from a file called summaryinfoOLD.txt:
CALL sa_procedure_profile_summary( "summaryinfoOLD".txt, 0 ); |
CALL sa_procedure_profile_summary( "summaryinfoOLD.txt" ); |
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