While SQL Anywhere recognizes the names of hundreds of character sets, code pages, encodings and collations, this section lists those that are recommended for use with Windows and Unix platforms, depending on the language in use.
Use the dbinit -le option to obtain a list of all the available character set labels for a SQL Anywhere database. Use the dbinit -l option to obtain a list of available collations for a SQL Anywhere database. See Initialization utility (dbinit).
Where a character set encoding or label must be specified, use the value from the Character set label column or one of the labels listed by dbinit -le. Where a collation must be specified, use the value from the Collation or Alternate collation column or one of the labels listed by dbinit -l.
On Mac OS X, and for languages not found in the tables below, the UTF-8 encoding should be used with collations UCA or UTF8BIN.
Language | Windows Code Page | Character set label | Collation | Alternate collation |
Arabic | 1256 | Windows-1256 | 1256ARA | |
Central and Eastern European | 1250 | Windows-1250 | 1250LATIN2 | |
Danish | 1252 | Windows-1252 | 1252LATIN1 | |
Dutch | 1252 | Windows-1252 | 1252LATIN1 | |
English | 1252 | Windows-1252 | 1252LATIN1 | |
Finnish | 1252 | Windows-1252 | 1252SWEFIN | |
French | 1252 | Windows-1252 | 1252LATIN1 | |
German | 1252 | Windows-1252 | 1252LATIN1 | |
Greek | 1253 | Windows-1253 | 1253ELL | |
Hebrew | 1253 | Windows-1253 | 1255HEB | |
Italian | 1252 | Windows-1252 | 1252LATIN1 | |
Japanese | 932 | Windows-31J | 932JPN | |
Korean | 949 | IBM949 | 949KOR | |
Lithuanian | 1257 | Windows-1257 | 1257LIT | |
Norwegian | 1252 | Windows-1252 | 1252NOR | |
Polish | 1250 | Windows-1250 | 1250POL | |
Portuguese | 1252 | Windows-1252 | 1252LATIN1 | |
Russian | 1251 | Windows-1251 | 1251CYR | |
Simplified Chinese | 936 | GBK | 936ZHO | |
Spanish | 1252 | Windows-1252 | 1252SPA | |
Swedish | 1252 | Windows-1252 | 1252SWEFIN | |
Thai | 874 | TIS-620 | 874THAIBIN | |
Traditional Chinese - Hong Kong | 950 | Big5-HKSCS | 950ZHO_HK | |
Traditional Chinese - Taiwan | 950 | Big5 | 950ZHO_TW | |
Turkish | 1254 | Windows-1254 | 1254TRK | 1254TRKALT |
Ukrainian | 1251 | Windows-1251 | 1251CYR | |
Western European | 1252 | Windows-1252 | 1252LATIN1 |
Language | Character set label | Collation | Alternate collation |
Arabic | ISO_8859-6:1987 | UCA | |
Central and Eastern European | ISO_8859-2:1987 | UCA | |
Danish | ISO-8859-15 | ISO9LATIN1 | ISO1LATIN1 |
Dutch | ISO-8859-15 | ISO9LATIN1 | ISO1LATIN1 |
English | ISO-8859-15 | ISO9LATIN1 | ISO1LATIN1 |
Finnish | ISO-8859-15 | ISO9LATIN1 | ISO1LATIN1 |
French | ISO-8859-15 | ISO9LATIN1 | ISO1LATIN1 |
German | ISO-8859-15 | ISO9LATIN1 | ISO1LATIN1 |
Greek | ISO_8859-7:1987 | UCA | |
Hebrew | ISO_8859-8:1988 | UCA | |
Italian | ISO-8859-15 | ISO9LATIN1 | ISO1LATIN1 |
Japanese | EUC-JP1 | EUC_JAPAN | |
Korean | EUC-KR | EUC_KOREA | |
Lithuanian | (use UTF-8) | UCA or UTF8BIN | |
Norwegian | ISO-8859-15 | ISO9LATIN1 | ISO1LATIN1 |
Polish | ISO_8859-2:1987 | UCA | |
Portuguese | ISO-8859-15 | ISO9LATIN1 | ISO1LATIN1 |
Russian | ISO_8859-5:1988 | UCA | |
Simplified Chinese | GB2312 | EUC_CHINA | |
Spanish | ISO-8859-15 | ISO9LATIN1 | ISO1LATIN1 |
Swedish | ISO-8859-15 | ISO9LATIN1 | ISO1LATIN1 |
Thai | (use UTF-8) | UCA or UTF8BIN | |
Traditional Chinese - Hong Kong | Big5-HKSCS | 950ZHO_HK | 950TWN |
Traditional Chinese - Taiwan | EUC-TW | EUC_TAIWAN | |
Traditional Chinese - Taiwan | Big5 | 950ZHO_TW | |
Turkish | ISO_8859-9:1989 | 920TRK | |
Ukrainian | ISO_8859-5:1988 | UCA | |
Western European | ISO-8859-15 | ISO9LATIN1 | ISO1LATIN1 |
1 EUC-JP is an alternate label for the SQL Anywhere label Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese.
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