ULParameterCollection class

Represents all parameters to a ULCommand. This class cannot be inherited.

Visual Basic
Public NotInheritable Class ULParameterCollection
  Inherits DbParameterCollection
public sealed class ULParameterCollection: DbParameterCollection

All parameters in the collection are treated as positional parameters and are specified in the same order as the question mark placeholders in the ULCommand.CommandText. For example, the first parameter in the collection corresponds to the first question mark in the SQL statement, the second parameter in the collection corresponds to the second question mark in the SQL statement, and so on. There must be at least as many question marks in the ULCommand.CommandText as there are parameters in the collection. Nulls are substituted for missing parameters.

There is no constructor for ULParameterCollection. You obtain a ULParameterCollection from the ULCommand.Parameters.

Inherits: System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection

Implements: System.Data.IDataParameterCollection

See also

ULParameterCollection members
Count property
IsFixedSize property
IsReadOnly property
IsSynchronized property
Item properties
SyncRoot property
Add methods
AddRange methods
Clear method
Contains methods
CopyTo method
GetEnumerator method
IndexOf methods
Insert method
Remove method
RemoveAt methods