UltraLite Initialize Database utility (ulinit)

Creates an UltraLite database from an existing SQL Anywhere database.

ulinit -a "SAconnection-string" -c "ULconnection-string" -n pubname [ options ]
Option Description
-a "SAconnection-string" Required. Connect to the SQL Anywhere reference database specified in the SAconnection-string.
-c "ULconnection-string" Required. Connect to the database as identified in the DBF or file_name parameter of your connection-string. If you do not specify both a user ID and a password, the default UID of DBA and PWD of sql are assumed.

For each table in the new UltraLite database, copy data from the corresponding table in the SQL Anywhere database. By default, this data will not be uploaded in subsequent synchronizations. To include the data in the next upload synchronization, use -I with -d.

-e table, ...

Exclude the named table. The named table(s) are not created in the UltraLite database. You can name multiple tables in a comma-separated list. For example:

-e mydbtable1,mydbtable5
-I Use with -d. Include inserted rows in the next upload synchronization. By default, rows inserted by this utility are not uploaded during synchronization.
-l logfile Log DDL database schema creation SQL statements, as executed, to logfile.
-n pubname

Required. Add tables to the UltraLite database schema.

pubname specifies a publication in the reference database. Tables in the publication are added to the UltraLite database.

Specify the option multiple times to add tables from multiple publications to the UltraLite database. To add all tables in the reference database to the UltraLite database, specify -n*.

-o [ extended-options ] Specify a semicolon separated list of UltraLite database creation parameters. See Choosing database creation parameters for UltraLite.
-p creator-ID Required for Palm OS when the database is being installed to the record store. Create the database with the specified four character creator-ID of the UltraLite client application. If you are deploying the database to a VFS store, then do not use this option.
-q Set the utility to run in quiet mode. Suppress informational banners, version numbers, and status messages. Error messages are still displayed, however.

-s pubname

Create a publication in the UltraLite database with the same definition as pubname in the reference database. Publications are used to configure synchronization. Supply more than one -s option to name more than one synchronization publication.

Note that the tables in this publication must be included in a publication listed by the -n option.

If -s is not supplied, the UltraLite remote has no named publications.

For more information about how to create publications for MobiLink synchronization, see Publications in UltraLite.

-t file Specify the file containing the trusted root certificate. This certificate is required for server authentication.
-w Do not display warnings.

The SQL Anywhere reference database acts as the source for:

Together they help create the UltraLite schema—information that defines the structure of the new UltraLite database. However, the new database you create is initially empty.

If you want to create an UltraLite database without using a SQL Anywhere reference database, try one of the following methods:

  • If you want to initialize an UltraLite database from an RDBMS other than SQL Anywhere, use the Create Synchronization Model Wizard in Sybase Central. When you run the wizard, you are prompted to connect to a consolidated database to obtain schema information.

  • If you want to create an empty UltraLite database that you can configure independent of any kind of reference database, use the ulcreate utility or the Create Database Wizard for UltraLite.

UltraLite uses the name of the collation sequence that was defined in the reference database. However, you can still choose to use UTF-8 to encode the database, by setting the utf8_encoding property as part of your extended-options list.

To see a list of supported collations (and corresponding codepages), run ulcreate -l at a command prompt. If your collation sequence is not supported by UltraLite, you should change it to one that is. For example, if your reference database collation is the UCA collation, you should:

  1. Unload the reference database and then reload it with a different collation.

  2. Run ulinit on this new version of the database.

Palm databases written to the desktop must be identified with the .pdb extension. However, once you deploy the database to the device, the extension is dropped. For more information about file name formats, see Palm OS.

You cannot deploy UltraLite databases with the Palm install tool if the target is a VFS volume. Instead, you must copy the database directly onto the media using a card reader, or some other tool.

See also

Create a file called customer.udb that contains the tables defined in TestPublication:

ulinit -a "DSN=dbdsn;UID=JimmyB;PWD=secret" -c DBF=customer.udb -n TestPublication

Create a file called customer.udb that contains two distinct publications. Specifically, Pub1 may contain a small subset of data for priority synchronization, while Pub2 could contain the bulk of the data:

ulinit -a "DSN=dbdsn;UID=JimmyB;PWD=secret" -c DBF=customer.udb -n Pub1 -n Pub2 -s Pub1 -s Pub2

Create a file called customer.udb for Palm OS using a registered creator ID:

ulinit -a "DSN=dbdsn;UID=JimmyB;PWD=secret" -c DBF=customer.udb.pdb -n TutCustomersPub -p creator-id