Choosing database creation parameters for UltraLite

UltraLite database creation parameters are recorded as name=value pairs in the system tables that make up the schema of the database. By storing these creation parameters in system tables, users and/or applications can access them in the same way as other data. See sysuldata system table.

Accessing creation parameter values

You cannot change creation parameter values after you have created a database. However, you can view the corresponding database properties in Sybase Central. See Accessing UltraLite database properties.

You can also access the database properties programmatically from the UltraLite application by calling the GetDatabaseProperty function appropriate to the API.

For API-specific details, see:

In addition to these database creation parameters, you can further configure other aspects of your database with database options and connection parameters. See:

Property Description
case Sets the case-sensitivity of string comparisons in the UltraLite database. See UltraLite case creation parameter.
checksum_level Sets the level of checksum validation in the database. See UltraLite checksum_level creation parameter.
collation Sets the collation sequence used by the UltraLite database. Setting this property with or without the UTF-8 property determines the character set of the database. See UltraLite character sets and UltraLite collation creation parameter and UltraLite utf8_encoding creation parameter.
date_format Sets the default string format in which dates are retrieved from the database. See UltraLite date_format creation parameter.
date_order Controls the interpretation of date ordering of months, days, and years. See UltraLite date_order creation parameter.
fips Controls AES FIPS compliant data encryption, by using a Certicom certified cryptographic algorithm. FIPs encoding is a form of strong encryption. See Securing UltraLite databases and UltraLite fips creation parameter.
max_hash_size Sets the default index hash size in bytes. See UltraLite max_hash_size creation parameter.
nearest_century Controls the interpretation of two-digit years in string-to-date conversions. See UltraLite nearest_century creation parameter.
obfuscate Controls whether data in the database is obfuscated. Obfuscation is a form of simple encryption. See Securing UltraLite databases and UltraLite obfuscate creation parameter.
page_size Defines the database page size. See UltraLite page_size creation parameter.
precision Specifies the maximum number of digits in decimal point arithmetic results. See UltraLite precision creation parameter.
scale Specifies the minimum number of digits after the decimal point when an arithmetic result is truncated to the maximum precision. See UltraLite scale creation parameter.
time_format Sets the format for times retrieved from the database. See UltraLite time_format creation parameter.
timestamp_format Sets the format for timestamps retrieved from the database. See UltraLite timestamp_format creation parameter.
timestamp_increment Determines how the timestamp is truncated in UltraLite. See UltraLite timestamp_increment creation parameter.
utf8_encoding Encodes data using the UTF-8 format, 8-bit multibyte encoding for Unicode. See UltraLite character sets and UltraLite utf8_encoding creation parameter.