Password synchronization parameter

Specifies the MobiLink password associated with the user name.


The syntax varies depending on the API you use. You can also set this parameter with ulsync.

Allowed values



The parameter is optional.

This MobiLink user name and password are different than any database user ID and password, and serve to only identify and authenticate the application to the MobiLink server. See User Name synchronization parameter.

If the MobiLink client already has a password, use the New Password parameter to change it. See New Password synchronization parameter.

See also

ulsync can set this parameter as an extended synchronization parameter as follows:

ulsync -c DBF=myuldb.udb "MobiLinkUid=remoteA;ScriptVersion=2;MobiLinkPwd=mypassword;Stream=http"

UltraLite for C/C++ applications can set the parameter as follows:

ul_synch_info info;
// ...
info.password = UL_TEXT( "mypassword" );