UltraLite HotSync Conduit Installation utility for Palm OS (ulcond11)

Installs and registers each Palm OS database with the HotSync conduit so the conduit can manage HotSync synchronization operations for each database. You can also use this utility to uninstall the conduit.

ulcond11 -c "connection-string" [ options ] creator-ID
Option Description
creator-ID Required. Set the creator ID of the application that uses the conduit. If a conduit already exists for the specified creator ID, it is replaced by the new conduit.
-a Append additional database connection strings to the connection string configured with the -c option. Use this option to register more than one database with the conduit.
-c "connection-string sync_profile=profile_name{}

Required. Connect to the Palm database on the device as identified by the DBF parameter of your connection-string. The connection string you define registers the deployed Palm database with the conduit. The connection parameters are stored as part of the conduit's configuration information.

sync_profile specifies the sync profile to use, along with any merge parameters. The default profile is ul_palm_conduit.

If you do not specify both a user ID and a password, the default UID of DBA and PWD of sql are assumed.

-d filename

Set the name of the plug-in .dll file.

The utility creates a registry key (Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\version\Conduit\creator-ID) with a value named PluginDLL. The value for PluginDLL is the filename you set.

Supply an empty string (-d"" ) to clear an existing file name from the registry.

-n name

Set the name displayed by the HotSync manager. The default value is Conduit.

Do not use this option with the -u option.


Set the utility to run in quiet mode. Suppress informational banners, version numbers, and status messages. Error messages are still displayed, however.

If you are running ulcond11 on Windows Vista with the correct privileges, the window is shut down immediately when no errors are reported. Otherwise, a five second delay applies.


Set the utility to run in quiet mode. Suppress informational banners, version numbers, and status messages. Error messages are still displayed, however.

If you are running ulcond11 on Windows Vista with the correct privileges, the window is shut down immediately.

-u Uninstall the conduit for the creator ID. If you do not specify -u, a conduit is installed. If you specify -u, do not specify -n.

ulcond11 is a command line utility. On Windows Vista, ulcond11 runs elevated. The executable window does not close for five seconds, allowing you to view the output.

HotSync records when each synchronization took place and whether each installed conduit worked as expected. The HotSync log file is in the subdirectory User of your Palm desktop installation directory.

See also

The following command installs a conduit for the application with creator ID Syb2, named CustDB. These are the settings for the CustDB sample application:

ulcond11 -c "DBF=custdb.udb;UID=DBA;PWD=sql" -n CustDB Syb2

The following command uninstalls the conduit for the same CustDB sample application:

ulcond11 -u Syb2

The following command installs the conduit for palmdb using the default sync profile for Palm:

ulcond11 ... -c "dbf=palmdb;sync_profile=ul_palm_conduit{stream.host=override_host}" ...