Deploy the UltraLite HotSync conduit

The UltraLite HotSync conduit is a software module that let users gain access to their devices from the desktop. Like other software components, you need to deploy the necessary files to the device to ensure that UltraLite operates with either Windows Mobile ActiveSync and Palm OS HotSync software.

During development you install UltraLite onto your desktop with the SQL Anywhere installer. However, you then need to deploy the required HotSync conduit files onto the end user's computer. HotSync Manager must be installed on your computer for the installer to detect the software and run.

UltraLite HotSync conduit files
  • install-dir\win32\Condmgr\condmgr.dll   The utility DLL that locates the HotSync installation path and registers the conduit with HotSync.

  • install-dir\Bin32\ulcond11.exe   The UltraLite HotSync Conduit Installation utility that installs or removes the UltraLite HotSync conduit on the desktop computer. See UltraLite HotSync Conduit Installation utility for Palm OS (ulcond11).

  • install-dir\Bin32\dbhsync11.dll   The conduit DLL that is called by HotSync.

  • install-dir\Bin32\dblgen11.dll   The language resource library. For languages other than English, the letters en in the file name are replaced by a two-letter abbreviation for the language, such as dblgde11.dll for German, or dblgja11.dll for Japanese.

  • Stream DLLs   Optional. The stream DLL required for encrypted network communication between the UltraLite HotSync conduit and the MobiLink server.

    • For RSA encryption with TLS and HTTPS, install-dir\Bin32\mlcrsa11.dll.

    • For ECC encryption with TLS and HTTPS, install-dir\Bin32\mlcecc11.dll.

    • For RSA FIPS encryption with TLS and HTTPS, install-dir\Bin32\mlcrsafips11.dll.

Separately licensed component required

ECC encryption and FIPS-approved encryption stream DLLs require a separate license. All strong encryption technologies are subject to export regulations.

To order a separately licensed component, visit [external link]

For information about component and platform support, see [external link]

To deploy and register the UltraLite HotSync conduit
  1. On the end-user's desktop, create the following directories:

    • MyDir\win32

    • MyDir\win32\condmgr

  2. Deploy a copy of the following files to the MyDir\win32 directory:

    • ulcond11.exe
    • dbhsync11.dll
    • dblgen11.dll
  3. Deploy a copy of the Condmgr.dll file to the MyDir\win32\condmgr directory.

  4. Locate the following registry key:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\SQL Anywhere\11.0\
  5. Create a value named Location in this key and set this value data as the root deployment folder for the conduit. For example, MyDir.

  6. If the end user requires a certificate to encrypt the communication stream, install the root certificate on the desktop computer so it can be accessed by the conduit.

  7. Run ulcond11, ensuring that you have set connection string for each the UltraLite database with either the -c option, and possibly the -a option. You must also set the correct creator ID.

    This utility deploys and correctly configures the UltraLite HotSync conduit.


    If you are using an encryption key, avoid setting the key in the connection string. This location can pose a security risk. Instead, allow the conduit to prompt the user for the key.

    For example, the following command installs a conduit for the application with creator ID Syb2, named CustDB.

    ulcond11 -c "DBF=custdb.udb;UID=DBA;PWD=sql" -n CustDB Syb2
  8. If you did not include synchronization parameters in your UltraLite application's ul_synch_info structure, configure this information either in HotSync or use ulcond11. See Setting protocol options for MobiLink synchronization.

To check that the HotSync conduit is properly deployed