getDatabaseProperty method

Returns the value of the specified database property.

String getDatabaseProperty(String name)
  • name   Name of the database property.


Recognized properties are:

  • "date_format"   The date format used for string conversions by the database.

  • "date_order"   The date order used for string conversions by the database.

  • "nearest_century"   The nearest century used for string conversions by the database.

  • "precision"   The floating-point precision used for string conversions by the database.

  • "scale"   The minimum number of digits after the decimal point when an arithmetic result is truncated to the maximum precision during string conversions by the database.

  • "time_format"   The time format used for string conversions by the database.

  • "timestamp_format"   The timestamp format used for string conversions by the database.

  • "timestamp_increment"   The minimum difference between two unique timestamps, in microseconds (1,000,000th of a second).