UltraLite database connection parameters

Some of the connection parameters you configure overlap with properties you define at creation time. At creation time, you typically are defining the property required. At connection time, you must supply the value that was configured at creation time. It is important that you understand the differences and commonalities of these shared settings so you know what is expected and when.

Parameter name Description
CACHE_SIZE Defines the size of the database cache. See UltraLite CACHE_SIZE connection parameter.
CON Specifies a name of the current connection. See UltraLite CON connection parameter.

At creation time these parameters set the location of the database. For subsequent connections, they tell UltraLite where to find the file.

You can use DBF if you are creating a single-platform application or are connecting to an UltraLite administration tool. Use the other platform-specific versions if you are programming an UltraLite client that connects to different platform-specific databases. See:

DBN Identifies a running database by name rather than file name. See UltraLite DBN connection parameter.
DBKEY At creation-time, this parameter sets the encryption key to use. For subsequent connections, names and then passes the same encryption key for the database. If the incorrect key is named, the connection fails. See UltraLite DBKEY connection parameter.
MIRROR_FILE Specifies the name of a database mirror file. See UltraLite MIRROR_FILE connection parameter.
PALM_ALLOW_BACKUP Controls backup behavior over HotSync on Palm devices. See UltraLite PALM_ALLOW_BACKUP connection parameter.
PWD At creation-time, sets the initial password for a user. For subsequent connections, supplies the password for the user ID. See UltraLite PWD connection parameter.
RESERVE_SIZE Pre-allocates the file system space required for your UltraLite database without actually inserting any data. See UltraLite RESERVE_SIZE connection parameter.
START Specifies the location of the UltraLite engine executable and then starts it. See UltraLite START connection parameter.
UID At creation time, sets the initial user ID. For subsequent connections, identifies a user to the database. The user ID must be one of up to four user IDs stored in the UltraLite database. See UltraLite UID connection parameter.
See also

Supplying UltraLite connection parameters
Specifying file paths in an UltraLite connection parameter
Opening UltraLite connections with connection strings
Assembling parameters into UltraLite connection strings