Supplying UltraLite connection parameters

How connection information is collected depends on how systematic or automated you require the input to be. The more systematic the input, the more reliable the connection information is.

Connection details can be collected via different methods, depending on whether you are connecting from a custom UltraLite application or from one of the SQL Anywhere administration tools for UltraLite.

Method Administration tools Custom applications

Prompt the end user at connection time when you require a user to authenticate as one of the four supported database users. The UltraLite graphical administration tools use a connection object.

Where possible, use either the ULConnectionParms or ConnectionParms object. It provides easier checking and a more systematic interface than using a connection string that is an argument for the Open method. See:


Use a connection string if user authentication is not required. Common reasons for not authenticating a user may be because the deployment is to a single-user device, or that it is too awkward to prompt a user each time they start the application. The UltraLite command line utilities typically use a connection string if a connection to a database is required. You can also program your UltraLite application to read the values from a stored file, or hard code it into your application. See:

X1 X3

Use the ULSQLCONNECT environment variable if you want to store connection parameters you use repeatedly. By storing parameters, you don't need to provide them repeatedly during the development phase. Values you supply as a parameter in ULSQLCONNECT become defaults for the UltraLite desktop administration tools.

All UltraLite desktop administration tools check the ULSQLCONNECT values for any missing parameters not supplied in a connection string, following parameter precedence rules. To override these values, supply the alternate value in the connection string. See Storing UltraLite parameters with the ULSQLCONNECT environment variable.

X2 N/A

1 Typically user-supplied.

2 For desktop administration tools only.

3 Typically hard coded or stored in a file.

See also