Server Properties window: Request Logging tab

This tab has the following components:

Enable request logging   Select this option to record requests that the database server processes to the log file. This option is primarily for troubleshooting purposes. Note that for SQL Anywhere 10 and later databases, the new database tracing feature provides a more complete log of database requests. Selecting Enable Request Logging enables the options below. See Tracing session data.

Selecting Enable Request Logging enables the options below.

  • All connections to this server   Records requests from all connections to the current database server to the log file.

  • All connections to the following database   Records requests from all connections to the specified database to the log file.

  • The following connection   Records only requests from the specified connection to the log file.

  • Log all requests   Records all requests that the database server processes to the log file.

  • Log only the following requests   Select this option to specify the types of requests you want logged:

    • SQL   Log SQL statement requests.

    • Procedures and functions   Log procedure and function calls.

    • Query plans   Log query execution plans.

    • Include host variables   Include host variables in the log.

    • Triggers   Log trigger calls.

    • Connections blocked from proceeding   Log any connections that are blocked from proceeding.

    For a list of the SQL statements that are logged when you log only SQL requests, see sa_server_option system procedure.

  • Log file name   When you select Enable Request Logging, you must provide a log file name. You can also click Browse to locate the file.

  • Overwrite the request log file if it already exists   Select this option to overwrite an existing request log file.

  • Maximum log file size   The maximum size, in kilobytes, of the request log file.

    • Maximum number of log files   The maximum number of log files to retain. Each file has an extension with a number appended to it.

See also