Turns on capturing of the most recently-prepared SQL statement for each connection to databases on the server.
{ dbsrv11 | dbeng11 } -zl ...
All operating systems and database servers.
This feature can also be turned on using the RememberLastStatement server setting. You can obtain the most recently-prepared SQL statement for a connection using the LastStatement value of the CONNECTION_PROPERTY function. The sa_conn_activity stored procedure allows you to obtain the most recently-prepared SQL statement for all current connections to databases on the server.
The LastStatement value is set when a statement is prepared, and is cleared when a statement is dropped. Only one statement string is remembered for each connection.
If sa_conn_activity reports a non-empty value for a connection, it is most likely the statement that the connection is currently executing. If the statement had completed, it would likely have been dropped and the property value would have been cleared. If an application prepares multiple statements and retains their statement handles, the LastStatement value does not reflect what a connection is currently doing.
For stored procedure calls, only the outermost procedure call appears, not the statements within the procedure.
When -zl is specified or when the RememberLastStatement server setting is turned on, any user can call the sa_conn_activity system procedure or obtain the value of the LastStatement connection property to find out the most recently-prepared SQL statement for any other user. This option should be used with caution and turned off when it isn't required.
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