
  • UltraLite Unload Database to XML utility (ulunload)   You can now use the -s option to unload the schema and save data in a SQL Anywhere-compatible format. See UltraLite Unload Database utility (ulunload).

  • UltraLite Initialize Database utility (ulinit)    You can now use the -d option to copy data from a SQL Anywhere database into a new UltraLite database. See UltraLite Initialize Database utility (ulinit).

  • ulerase   New utility program to erase an UltraLite database (including any temporary files related to the database). This utility requires a user ID and password to confirm access to the database. See UltraLite Erase database (ulerase).

  • ulvalid   New utility program to validate an UltraLite database. Validation tests for certain types of corruption in the database file, and is configurable according to command line parameters. See UltraLite Validate Database utility (ulvalid).

  • The following UltraLite utilities have been ported to Linux (and are available in 32-bit versions only)  

    • ulcreate   create a new, empty UltraLite database

    • ulerase   permanently erase an UltraLite database and associated checkpoint file

    • ulinfo   display information about an existing UltraLite database

    • ulinit   create a new UltraLite database from the schema available in a SQL Anywhere reference database

    • ulload    create and load an UltraLite database from the XML data saved by ulunload

    • ulsync   synchronize an UltraLite database with a consolidated database, using MobiLink as the transfer agent

    • ulunload   unload an UltraLite database to XML

    • ulvalid   run validity checks on an UltraLite database

The ulunloadold utility is not available on Linux.