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Documentation enhancements

This section introduces enhancements made to the appearance, organization, or navigation of the Adaptive Server Anywhere documentation for version 9.0.2. It provides an exhaustive listing of major changes.

New documentation

The documentation for existing features has been enhanced in several areas, including the following:

  • SNMP Agent documentation   A new book has been added that describes the Adaptive Server Anywhere SNMP Agent.

    See The SQL Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent.

  • Windows CE starting points   A chapter containing starting points for Windows CE users has been added.

    See SQL Anywhere for Windows Mobile.

  • DBTools interface to the MobiLink synchronization client   A sample and other information about how to use dbmlsync from DBTools has been added.

    See DBTools interface for dbmlsync.

  • QAnywhere enhancements   The QAnywhere documentation has been expanded, with new information about how to integrate messaging with JMS messaging systems and MobiLink data synchronization, and enhanced information about setting up QAnywhere applications.

    See QAnywhere.

  • Server-initiated synchronization SDKs   The documentation for the SDKs has been expanded, and a new section on the Palm Listener SDK has been added.

    See MobiLink Listener C API for Palm devices.

Documentation enhancements
  • MobiLink reorganization   The MobiLink books have been reorganized so that there is now a client guide, an administration guide, and a book of tutorials. As well as covering Adaptive Server Anywhere clients, the client guide includes synchronization parameters and synchronization connection parameters for UltraLite clients, which were previously in the UltraLite Database User's Guide.

  • UltraLite API and QAnywhere API references   The UltraLite.NET, UltraLite C++ API, QAnywhere .NET, and QAnywhere C++ API material is now available in the same form as the remainder of the documentation. As a result, it is available as PDF as well as in the HTML-based documentation.