-push option

Specifies whether push notifications are enabled.

qauagent -push mode ...
mode : none | connected | disconnected


Mode Description
none Push notifications are disabled for this agent. The Listener (dblsn) is not started.
connected Push notifications are enabled for this agent over TCP/IP with persistent connection. The Listener (dblsn) is started by qauagent and attempts to maintain a persistent connection to the MobiLink server. This mode is useful when the client device does not have a public IP address or when the MobiLink server is behind a firewall that does not allow UDP messages out. This is the default.

Push notifications are enabled for this agent over UDP without a persistent connection. The Listener (dblsn) is started by qauagent but does not maintain a persistent connection to the MobiLink server. Instead, a UDP listener receives push notifications from MobiLink. This mode is useful in the following scenarios when the client device has a public IP address and is reachable by UDP or SMS:

  • The client device is using dial-up networking and connection time charges are an issue.
  • There is light message traffic over QAnywhere. Persistent TCP/IP connections consume network server resources, and so could have an impact on scalability.
  • The client device network coverage is unreliable. You can use the automatic policy to transmit messages when connection is possible. Trying to maintain persistent connections in this environment is not useful and can waste CPU resources.

If you do not want to use notifications, set this option to none. You then do not have to deploy the dblsn.exe executable with your clients.

For a description of QAnywhere without notifications, see Simple messaging scenario.

If you are using UDP, you cannot use push notifications in disconnected mode with ActiveSync due to the limitations of the UDP implementation of ActiveSync.

See also