Listener utility for Windows devices

The Listener utility runs on Windows devices, including Windows Mobile devices.

dblsn [ options ] -l message-handler [ -l message-handler... ]
message-handler : 
[ polling-option;... ] [ filter;... ]action; [ option;... ]
polling-option :
 [ ;poll_connect = string ]
 [ ;poll_notifier = string ]
 [ ;poll_key = string ]
 [ ;poll_every = number ]
option :
 [ ;continue = yes ]
 [ ;confirm_action = yes ]
 [ ;confirm_delivery = no ]
 [ ;maydial = no ]
filter :
 [ subject = string ]
 [ content = string ]
 [ message = string | message_start = string ]
 [ sender = string ]
action :
  action = command[;altaction = command ]
command :
  START program [ program-arguments ]
  | RUN program [ program-arguments ]
  | POST window-message TO { window-class-name | window-title }
  | tcpip-socket-action
tcpip-socket-action :
  SOCKET port=app-port
  [ ;host=app-host ]
  [ ;sendText=text1 ]
  [ ;recvText= text2 [ ;timeout=num-sec ] ]

window-message : string | message-id
See also

Listening libraries for Windows
Listener options for Windows
Listener keywords for Windows
Listener action commands for Windows
Listener action variables for Windows