Listener options for Windows

The following options can be used to configure the Listener:

Option Description
@{ variable | filename }

Applies Listener options from the specified environment variable or text file. See @ option.

-a value

Specifies a single library option for a listening library. See -a option.

-d filename

Specifies a listening library. See -d option.

-e device-name

Specifies the device name. See -e option.

-f string

Specifies extra information about the device. See -f option.

-gi seconds

Specifies the IP tracker polling interval. See -gi option.

-i seconds

Specifies the polling interval for SMTP connections. See -i option.

-l "keyword=value;..."

Defines and creates a message handler. See -l option.


Turns on message logging. See -m option.


Disables IP tracking. See -ni option.


Disables SMS listening. See -ns option.


Disables UDP listening. See -nu option.

-o filename

Logs output to a file. See -o option.

-os bytes

Specifies the maximum size of the log file. See -os option.

-ot filename

Truncates a file, then logs output to that file. See -ot option.


Allows the device to shut down automatically when idle. See -p option.

-pc { + | - }

Enables or disables persistent connections. See -pc option.


Runs the Listener in quiet mode. See -q option.

-r filename

Identifies a remote database involved in the responding action of a message filter. See -r option.

-sv script-version

Specifies the script version used for authentication. See -sv option.

-t {+ | - } name

Registers or unregisters the remote ID for a remote database. See -t option.

-u username

Specifies a MobiLink user name. See -u option.

-v { 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 }

Specifies the verbosity level for the message log. See -v option.

-w password

Specifies a MobiLink password. See -w option.

-x { http | https | tcpip } [ ( protocol-option=value;... ) ]

Specifies the network protocol, and the MobiLink server protocol options. See -x option.

-y newpassword

Specifies a new MobiLink password. See -y option.

@ option
-a option
-d option
-e option
-f option
-gi option
-i option
-l option
-m option
-ni option
-ns option
-nu option
-o option
-os option
-ot option
-p option
-pc option
-q option
-r option
-sv option
-t option
-u option
-v option
-w option
-x option
-y option