Carriers and carrier configuration

You must configure a wireless carrier to send push notifications through an SMTP gateway because the Notifier needs to construct valid email addresses. You must also configure a wireless carrier when using a device tracking gateway with a subordinate SMTP gateway enabled.

Carrier properties, such as the network provider ID and the SMS email prefix, are configured on a MobiLink server. To accommodate multiple carrier services, configure multiple carriers on the MobiLink server. See MobiLink server settings for server-initiated synchronization.

Sender syntax

When a push notification is received by a Listener and pre-processed for message filtering, it is divided into several keywords. The sender keyword in a message is an email address, which is generated by the device and varies depending on the wireless carrier. For more information about pre-processing messages, see Message syntax.

The sender syntax is in the following format:

sender = sms_email_user_prefix phone-number@sms_email_domain

There are no spaces between sms_email_user_prefix and phone-number.

The sms_email_user_prefix and sms_email_domain values are carrier properties that should be configured on the MobiLink server. The phone-number value is taken from the address column of the ml_device_address system table.

To determine the sender syntax, run the Listener on a device that uses a carrier service. Enable message logging, and set verbosity to level 2 using the dblsn -m and -v options. Check the message log after loading the Listener.

See also