Message syntax

The following message syntax applies to light weight polling (default), UDP gateways, and SYNC gateways:

message = [subject]content

Messages sent using the SMTP gateway have one of the following syntax structures:

  • message = sender[subject]content
  • message = sender(subject)content
  • message = sender{subject}content
  • message = sender<subject>content
  • message = sender'subject'content
  • message = sender"subject"content

The proper message syntax and sender email address syntax are dependent on your wireless carrier. To determine the message syntax, run the Listener with message logging enabled, and with the verbosity level set to 2 using the dblsn -m and -v options. The message log contains the proper syntax when you initially run the Listener.

When using a device tracking gateway, the message syntax depends on the subordinate gateway used to send the message. If you are using an SMTP subordinate gateway, the syntax is dependent on your public wireless carrier.


Braces, chevrons, double quotations, parenthesis, single quotations, and square brackets are reserved for internal use, and should not be used within subject. For more information about message limitations and restrictions, see Working with push requests.

See also