BeginLogScan event

The BeginLogScan event is triggered immediately before dbmlsync scans the transaction log to assemble the upload. This event is not fired for scripted uploads.

Public Event BeginLogScan( ByVal rescanLog As Boolean )
Member of DbmlsyncCOM.Dbmlsync

rescanLog   If this is the first time the transaction log has been scanned for this synchronization, the value is false; otherwise it is true. The log is scanned twice when the MobiLink server and dbmlsync have different information about where scanning should begin.


Use this event to add custom actions immediately before the transaction log is scanned for upload.


The following Visual Basic .NET example outputs a message when the BeginLogScan event is triggered.

Private Sub dbmlsync1_BeginLogScan(
 ByVal rescanLog As Boolean
Handles dbmlsync1.BeginLogScan

        MsgBox("Begin Log Scan")

End Sub