BeginSynchronization event

The BeginSynchronization event is triggered at the beginning of each synchronization.

Public Event BeginSynchronization( _
  ByVal userName As String, _
  ByVal pubNames As String _
Member of DbmlsyncCOM.Dbmlsync

userName   The MobiLink user for which you are synchronizing.

pubNames   The publication being synchronized. If there is more than one publication this is a comma-separated list.


Use this event to add custom actions at the beginning of a synchronization.


The following Visual Basic .NET example outputs a message when the BeginSynchronization event is triggered. The message outputs the user and publication names.

Private Sub dbmlsync1_BeginSynchronization(
 ByVal userName As String,
 ByVal pubNames As String
Handles dbmlsync1.BeginSynchronization

       MsgBox("Beginning synchronization for: " + userName _
     + " publication: " + pubNames)

End Sub