
When you specify network_name, you can optionally specify that the network connectivity should be left open after the synchronization finishes.

network_leave_open={ off | on }
Support notes

On devices other than Palm, the default is off.

On the Palm, the default is on.


You must specify network_name to use this option.

When this option is set to on, network connectivity is left open after the synchronization finishes.

For information about how to set network protocol options with dbmlsync, see CommunicationAddress (adr) extended option.

For information about how to set network protocol options with UltraLite, see Network protocol options for UltraLite synchronization streams.

See also

In the following example, the client uses the network name MyNetwork and specifies that the connection should be left open after the synchronization finishes.

On a SQL Anywhere client, the implementation is:

dbmlsync -e "adr='network_name=MyNetwork;network_leave_open=on'"

In an UltraLite application written in embedded SQL or C++, the implementation is:

synch_info.stream_parms = TEXT("network_name=MyNetwork;network_leave_open=on");