
Specify the network name to start if an attempt to connect to the network fails.

Support notes



Specify the network name so that you can use the MobiLink auto-dial feature. This allows you to connect from a Windows Mobile device or Windows desktop computer without manually dialing. Auto-dial is a secondary attempt to connect to the MobiLink server; first, the client attempts to connect without dialing, and if that fails and a network_name is specified, auto-dial is activated. When used with scheduling, your remote can synchronize unattended. When used without scheduling, this allows you to run dbmlsync without manually dialing a connection.

On Windows Mobile, the name should be one of the network profiles from the dropdown list in Settings » Connections » Connections. To use whatever you have set as your default for the internet network or work network, set the name to the keyword default_internet or default_work, respectively.

On Windows desktop platforms, the name should be one of the network profiles from Network & Dialup Connections.

For information about how to set network protocol options with dbmlsync, see CommunicationAddress (adr) extended option.

For information about how to set network protocol options with UltraLite, see Network protocol options for UltraLite synchronization streams.

See also

In the following example, the client uses the network name MyNetwork and specifies that the connection should be left open after the synchronization finishes.

On a SQL Anywhere client, the implementation is:

dbmlsync -e "adr='network_name=MyNetwork;network_leave_open=on'"

In an UltraLite application written in embedded SQL or C++, the implementation is:

synch_info.stream_parms = TEXT("network_name=MyNetwork;network_leave_open=on");