sa_table_stats system procedure

Reports information about how many pages have been read from each table.

sa_table_stats( )
Result set
Column name Data type Description
table_id INT The table ID.
creator CHAR(128) The user name of the table's creator.
table_name CHAR(128) The table name.
count UNSIGNED BIGINT The estimated number of rows in the table, taken from SYSTAB.
table_page_count UNSIGNED BIGINT The number of main pages used by the table.
table_page_cached UNSIGNED BIGINT The number of tables pages currently stored in the cache.
table_page_reads UNSIGNED BIGINT The number of page reads performed for pages in the main table.
ext_page_count UNSIGNED BIGINT The estimated number of pages in the table
ext_page_cached UNSIGNED BIGINT Reserved for future use.
ext_page_reads UNSIGNED BIGINT Reserved for future use.

Each row returned by the sa_table_stats procedure describes a table for which the optimizer is maintaining page statistics. The sa_table_stats procedure can be used to find which tables are using cache memory and how many disk reads are being performed for each table. For example, you can use the sa_table_stats procedure to find the table that is generating the most disk reads. The results of the procedure represent estimates and should be used only for diagnostic purposes.

The table_page_cached column indicates how many pages of the table are currently stored in the cache, and the table_page_reads column indicates how many table pages have been read from disk since the optimizer started maintaining counts for the table. These statistics are not stored persistently within the database; they represent the activity on tables after they are loaded into memory for the first time.


DBA authority required

Side effects


See also