Deploying SQL Remote

If you are deploying the SQL Remote Message Agent, you need to include the following files:

Description Windows Linux / Solaris Mac OS X
Message Agent dbremote.exe dbremote dbremote
Encoding/decoding library dbencod11.dll libdbencod11_r.dylib
FILE message link library 1 dbfile11.dll libdbfile11_r.dylib
FTP message link library 1 dbftp11.dll libdbftp11_r.dylib
Language resource library dblg[xx]11.dll dblg[xx]11.res dblg[xx]11.res
Interface Library dblib11.dll libdblib11_r.dylib
SMTP message link library 1 dbsmtp11.dll libdbsmtp11_r.dylib
Database tools library dbtool11.dll libdbtool11_r.dylib
Thread support library N/A libdbtasks11_r.dylib

1 Only deploy the library for the message link you are using.

The table above shows files with the designation [xx]. There are several message files each supporting a different language. If you want to install support for different languages, you have to add the resource files for these languages.

It is recommended that you follow the SQL Anywhere installation behavior, and install the SQL Remote files in the same directory as the SQL Anywhere files.