Deploying unload support for pre 10.0.0 databases

If, in your application, you need to the ability to convert older databases to the version 11 format, then you need the database unload utility, dbunload, together with the following additional files:

Description Windows Linux / Unix Mac OS X
Unload support for pre-10.0 databases dbunlspt.exe dbunlspt dbunlspt
Message resource library dbus[xx].dll dbus[xx].res dbus[xx].res

The table above shows files with the designation [xx]. There are several message files each supporting a different language. If you want to install support for different languages, you have to add the resource files for these languages. The message files are as follows.

Windows message files
dbusde.dll German
dbusen.dll English
dbuses.dll Spanish
dbusfr.dll French
dbusit.dll Italian
dbusja.dll Japanese
dbusko.dll Korean
dbuslt.dll Lithuanian
dbuspl.dll Polish
dbuspt.dll Portuguese
dbusru.dll Russian
dbustw.dll Traditional Chinese
dbusuk.dll Ukrainian
dbuszh.dll Simplified Chinese
Linux message files
dbusde_iso_1.res, dbusde_utf8.res, dbusen.res German
dbusen.res English
dbusja_eucjis.res , dbusja_sjis.res, dbusja_utf8.res Japanese
dbuszh_cp936.res, dbuszh_eucgb.res, dbuszh_utf8.res Chinese

These files are included with localized versions of SQL Anywhere.

In addition to these files, you also need the files described in Deploying database utilities.