
The following is a list of software you need to have on your system to complete the steps detailed in this document:

  • You must have a SQL Anywhere installation which may run on the same computer as the Apache web server, or on a different computer.

  • The source code for the SQL Anywhere PHP module is available for download at [external link]

    You also need sqlpp and (Unix) or libdblib11.dylib (Mac OS X) installed (check your SQL Anywhere lib32 directory).

  • You will require the PHP source code, which can be downloaded from [external link] Version 5.2.6 of PHP is a recent stable release.

  • You will require the Apache web server source code, which can be downloaded from [external link] If you are going to use a pre-built version of Apache, make sure that you have apache and apache-devel installed.

  • If you plan to use the Unified ODBC PHP module, you need to have (Unix) or libdbodbc11.dylib (Mac OS X) installed (check your SQL Anywhere lib32 directory).

The following binaries should be installed from your Unix installation disk if they are not already installed, and can be found as RPMs:

  • make

  • automake

  • autoconf

  • libtool (glibtool for Mac OS X)

  • makeinfo

  • bison

  • gcc

  • cpp

  • glibc-devel

  • kernel-headers

  • flex

You must have the same access privileges as the person who installed PHP to perform certain steps of the installation. Most Unix-based systems offer a sudo command that allows users with insufficient permissions to execute certain commands as a user with the right to execute them.