Adding the SQL Anywhere PHP module files to the PHP source tree

  1. Download the SQL Anywhere PHP module from [external link]

  2. From the directory where you saved the SQL Anywhere PHP module, extract the files to the ext subdirectory of the PHP source tree (Mac OS X users should replace tar with gnutar):

    $ tar -xzf -C PHP-source-directory/ext/

    For example:

    $ tar -xzf sqlanywhere_php-1.0.8.tar.gz -C ~/php-5.2.6/ext
  3. Make PHP aware of the module:

    $ cd PHP-source-directory/ext/sqlanywhere
    $ touch *
    $ cd ~/PHP-source-directory
    $ ./buildconf

    The following example is for PHP version 5.2.6. You must change php-5.2.6 to the version of PHP you are using.

    $ cd ~/php-5.2.6/ext/sqlanywhere
    $ touch *
    $ cd ~/php-5.2.6
    $ ./buildconf
  4. Verify that PHP is aware of the module:

    $ ./configure -help | egrep sqlanywhere

    If you were successful in making PHP aware of the SQL Anywhere module, you should see the following text:


    If you are unsuccessful, keep track of the output of this command and post it to the sybase.public.sqlanywhere.linux newsgroup for assistance.