Deploying external environment support

The following tables summarize the components that must be deployed to support external calls in SQL Anywhere.

ESQL/ODBC external calls
Component Windows Linux / Unix Mac OS X
ESQL and ODBC launcher dbexternc11.exe dbexternc11 dbexternc11
Bridge dbextenv11.dll libdbextenv11_r.dylib
SQL Anywhere C API runtime dbcapi.dll libdbcapi_r.dylib

For additional files required by embedded SQL applications, see Deploying embedded SQL clients.

For additional files required by ODBC applications, see Deploying ODBC clients.

Java external calls
Component Windows Linux / Unix Mac OS X
Java installation (third-party) java.exe java java
Launcher sajvm.jar sajvm.jar sajvm.jar
iAnywhere JDBC driver (server-side calls) dbjodbc11.dll libdbjodbc11.dylib

For additional files required by JDBC applications, see Deploying JDBC clients.

.NET CLR external calls
Component Windows Linux / Unix Mac OS X
.NET 2.0 or higher (from Microsoft) N/A N/A
.NET CLR bridge dbextclr11.exe N/A N/A
Bridge dbextenv11.dll libdbextenv11_r.dylib
.NET CLR support dbclrenv11.dll N/A N/A
Perl external calls
Component Windows Linux / Unix Mac OS X
Perl installation (third-party) perl.exe perl perl
Perl launcher
Bridge dbextenv11.dll libdbextenv11_r.dylib
SQL Anywhere C API runtime dbcapi.dll libdbcapi_r.dylib

For additional files required by Perl applications, also Introduction to DBD::SQLAnywhere.

PHP external calls
Component Windows Linux / Unix Mac OS X
PHP installation (third-party) php.exe php php
PHP launcher phpenv.php phpenv.php phpenv.php
Bridge dbextenv11.dll libdbextenv11_r.dylib
PHP 5.1.x external calls php-5.1.[1-6]_sqlanywhere_extenv11.dll php-5.1.[1-6] or build from source code Build from source code
PHP 5.2.x external calls php-5.2.[0-6]_sqlanywhere_extenv11.dll php-5.2.[0-6] or build from source code Build from source code
SQL Anywhere C API runtime dbcapi.dll libdbcapi_r.dylib
DBLIB (threaded) dblib11.dll libdblib11_r.dylib

For additional files required by PHP applications, see Introduction to the SQL Anywhere PHP module.