Deploying ODBC clients

The simplest way to deploy ODBC clients is to use the Deployment Wizard. For more information, see Using the Deployment Wizard.

Each ODBC client computer must have the following:

  • ODBC Driver Manager   Microsoft provides an ODBC Driver Manager for Windows operating systems. SQL Anywhere includes an ODBC Driver Manager for Linux, Unix, and Mac OS X. There is no ODBC Driver Manager for Windows Mobile. ODBC applications can run without a driver manager but, on platforms for which an ODBC driver manager is available, this is not recommended.

  • Connection information   The client application must have access to the information needed to connect to the server. This information is typically included in an ODBC data source.

  • The SQL Anywhere ODBC driver   The files that must be included in a deployment of an ODBC client application are described next in ODBC driver required files.

ODBC driver required files
Configuring the ODBC driver
Deploying connection information