Using the Deployment Wizard

The SQL Anywhere Deployment Wizard is the preferred tool for creating 32-bit deployments of SQL Anywhere for Windows. The Deployment Wizard can create installer files that include some or all the following components:

  • Client interfaces such as ODBC

  • SQL Anywhere server, including remote data access, database tools, and encryption

  • UltraLite relational database

  • MobiLink server, client, and encryption

  • QAnywhere messaging

  • Administration tools such as Interactive SQL and Sybase Central

The Deployment Wizard does not include support for creating deployments of the 64-bit software components.

You can use the Deployment Wizard to create a Microsoft Windows Installer Package file or a Microsoft Windows Installer Merge Module file:

  • Microsoft Windows Installer Package file   A storage file containing the instructions and data required to install an application. An Installer Package file has the extension .msi.

  • Microsoft Windows Installer Merge Module file   A simplified type of Microsoft Installer Package file that includes all files, resources, registry entries, and setup logic to install a shared component. A merge module has the extension .msm.

    A merge module cannot be installed alone because it lacks some vital database tables that are present in an installer package file. Merge modules also contain additional tables that are unique to themselves. To install the information delivered by a merge module with an application, the module must first be merged into the application's Installer Package (.msi) file. A merge module consists of the following parts:

    • A merge module database containing the installation properties and setup logic being delivered by the merge module.

    • A merge module Summary Information Stream describing the module.

    • A MergeModule.CAB cabinet file stored as a stream inside the merge module. This cabinet contains all the files required by the components delivered by the merge module. Every file delivered by the merge module must be stored inside of a cabinet file that is embedded as a stream in the merge module's structured storage. In a standard merge module, the name of this cabinet is always: MergeModule.CAB.


Redistribution of files is subject to your license agreement. You must acknowledge that you are properly licensed to redistribute SQL Anywhere files. Check your license agreement before proceeding.

To create a deployment file
  1. Start the Deployment Wizard:

    • From the Start menu, choose Programs » SQL Anywhere 11 » Deploy SQL Anywhere For Windows.


    • From the Deployment subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere installation, run DeploymentWizard.exe.

  2. Follow the instructions in the wizard.

The Deployment Wizard allows you to select subsets of the components included in SQL Anywhere. Each component has dependencies on other components so the files that are selected by the wizard may include files from other categories.

In Select Features, the available categories are Databases, Synchronization, and Administration Tools.


Use to select or deselect all of its subcategories.

  • SQL Anywhere (32-bit)   Use to select or deselect all of its subcategories.

    The following subcategories are available:

    • Client Interface   Use to select or deselect all of its subcategories.

      • ODBC   The SQL Anywhere ODBC driver.

      • Embedded SQL   The SQL Anywhere Embedded SQL library.

      • OLEDB   The SQL Anywhere OLE DB provider.

      • ADO.NET   The SQL Anywhere .NET provider.

      • JDBC   The SQL Anywhere JDBC driver.

      • Client Tools   The SQL Anywhere client libraries like dblib11, dbtool11 and client utilities like dblocate, dbping, dbisqlc, and dbdsn.

      • Client Resources   The SQL Anywhere language resource files like dblgen11, dblgde11, and dblges11 and the dblang language selection tool.

    • SQL Anywhere Server   Use to select or deselect all of its subcategories.

      • Personal Server   The SQL Anywhere personal server and license file.

      • Network Server   The SQL Anywhere network server and license file.

      • Server Tools   The SQL Anywhere server utilities like dbbackup, dberase, dbinit, dblog, dbsvc, dbunload and so on.

      • Unload Support   Support for unloading version 9 and earlier databases.

  • UltraLite   Use to select or deselect all of its subcategories.

    The following subcategory is available:

    • UltraLite Engine   The UltraLite engine, utilities, and libraries such as uleng11, ulcond11, ulcreate, ulerase, ullgen11, ullgde11, ulrt11, and ulunload.


Use to select or deselect all of its subcategories.

  • MobiLink   Use to select or deselect all of its subcategories.

    • MobiLink Client   The MobiLink Client tools and libraries such as dblsn, dbmlsync, mlasinst, dbmlsynccli11, and the MobiLink .NET client provider.

    • MobiLink Server   The MobiLink server, tools and libraries such as the server, ODBC driver, JDBC driver, and the MobiLink .NET provider.

  • QAnywhere   The QAnywhere application-to-application messaging tools.

  • SQL Remote   The SQL Remote tools and libraries including dbremote, dbxtract, and the message transport libraries such as dbsmtp11.

Administration Tools

Use to select or deselect all of its subcategories.

  • Sybase Central   The Sybase Central database manager and plugins. Use to select or deselect all of its subcategories.

    • SQL Anywhere Plugin   The SQL Anywhere plugin.

    • MobiLink Plugin   The MobiLink plugin.

    • UltraLite Plugin   The UltraLite plugin.

    • QAnywhere Plugin   The QAnywhere plugin.

  • ISQL   The Interactive SQL tool.

  • DBConsole   The administration and monitoring tool for database server connections.

If you would like to determine what files are included in each selectable component, create an MSI installer image selecting all components. A log file is created that details what files are included in every component. This text file can be examined with a text editor. You will see headings like "Feature: SERVER32_TOOLS" and "Feature: CLIENT32_TOOLS". The headings closely correspond to the Deployment Wizard components. This will give you an idea of what is included in each group.

To install a deployment file
To uninstall a deployment

For more tips on how to do silent installs, see Using a silent install for deployment.