Synchronizing data

For most users it is useful to use one-button synchronization, which initiates both data synchronization and web content synchronization. For more information, see One-button synchronization.

This section is for those users who want to synchronize data separately from web content synchronization.

Synchronization requires the MobiLink server and appropriate licensing. You can find a working example of synchronization in the CustDB sample application.

UltraLite for M-Business Anywhere supports TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS, and HotSync synchronization. Synchronization is initiated by the UltraLite application. In all cases, you use methods and properties of the Connection object to control synchronization.

Separately licensed component required

ECC encryption and FIPS-certified encryption require a separate license. All strong encryption technologies are subject to export regulations.

See Separately licensed components.

To synchronize over TCP/IP or HTTP

  1. Prepare the synchronization information.

    Assign values to the required properties of the Connection.syncParms object.

    For more information about the properties and the values that you should set, see UltraLite clients.

  2. Synchronize.

    Call the Connection.synchronize method.