UltraLiteJ database load (ULjLoad)

The ULjLoad utility provides the capability to load an UltraLiteJ database from an XML source file. The XML file is often produced by the ULjUnload utility and is customizable.

ULjLoad -c filename -p password [ options ] inputfile
Option Description
-a Add information from XML file to an existing database. If this option is not specified, a new database is created.
-c filename Required. Name of database file.
-d Load data only; ignore schema information.
-f directory Directory to retrieve data for columns larger than max blob size specified with -b option during ULjUnload.
-i Insert rows for upload synchronization.
-n Load schema information only; ignore row data.
-p password Required. Password to connect to database.
-q Run in quiet mode—do not display messages.
-v Display verbose messages.
-y Overwrite output file if it exists (and -a option is not specified).
-? Display command line usage information.
inputfile Input file containing xml statements.
Example of usage summary

When the ULjLoad utility command line includes the -? option, the following usage information appears:

SQL Anywhere UltraLite J Database Load Utility
Usage: uljload [options] <XML file>
        Create and load data into a new UltraLite J database from <XML file>.

        -a      Add to existing database.
        -c      <file> Database file.
        -d      Data only -- ignore schema.
        -f      <directory>
                Directory to store columns larger than <max blob size>.
        -i      Insert rows for upload synchronization.
        -n      Schema only -- ignore data.
        -p      Password to connect to database.
        -q      Quiet: do not print messages.
        -v      Verbose messages.
        -y      Overwrite file if it already exists.