UltraLiteJ database information utility (ULjInfo)

The ULjInfo utility displays information about an existing UltraLiteJ database.

ULjInfo -c filename -p password [ options ]
Option Description
-c filename Required. The filename of the UltraLiteJ database to examine.
-p password Required. The password to connect to the UltraLiteJ database.
-q Run in quiet mode—do not display messages.
-v Display verbose messages.
-? Display command line usage information.
Example output (non verbose)

Following is an example of the output from the ULjInfo program (without the -v option):

C:\ULj\bin>ULjInfo.cmd -c ..\Samples\Demo1.ulj -p sql
SQL Anywhere UltraLite J Database Information Utility
Database name: ..\Samples\Demo1.ulj
Disk file: '..\Samples\Demo1.ulj'
Database ID: 0
Page size: 1024
0 rows for next upload
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
Date order: YMD
Nearest century: 50
Numeric precision: 30
Numeric scale: 6
Time format: HH:NN:SS.SSS
Timestamp format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS.SSS
Timestamp increment: 1
Number of tables: 1
Number of columns: 2
Number of publications: 0
Number of tables that will always be uploaded: 0
Number of tables that are never synchronized: 0
Number of primary keys: 1
Number of foreign keys: 0
Number of indexes: 0
Last download occurred on Thu Jul 05 11:31:05 EDT 2007
Upload OK: true