ULConnection members

Public constructors
Member name Description

ULConnection constructors

Initializes a new instance of the ULConnection class.

Public fields
Member name Description


UL Ext.: A database ID constant indicating that the ULConnection.DatabaseID has not been set. This field is constant and read-only.

Public properties
Member name Description

ConnectionString property

Specifies the parameters to use for opening a connection to an UltraLite.NET database. The connection string can be supplied using a ULConnectionParms object.

ConnectionTimeout property

This feature is not supported by UltraLite.NET.

DataSource property

This feature is not supported by UltraLite.NET.

Database property

Returns the name of the database to which the connection opens.

DatabaseID property

UL Ext.: Specifies the Database ID value to be used for global autoincrement columns.

DatabaseManager property

UL Ext.: Provides access to the singleton ULDatabaseManager object.

GlobalAutoIncrementUsage property

UL Ext.: Returns the percentage of available global autoincrement values that have been used.

LastIdentity property

UL Ext.: Returns the most recent identity value used.

Schema property

UL Ext.: Provides access to the schema of the current database associated with this connection.

ServerVersion property

This feature is not supported by UltraLite.NET.

State property

Returns the current state of the connection.

SyncParms property

UL Ext.: Specifies the synchronization settings for this connection.

SyncResult property

UL Ext.: Returns the results of the last synchronization for this connection.

Public methods
Member name Description

BeginTransaction methods

Starts a database transaction.

CancelGetNotification method

Cancel any pending get-notification calls on all queues matching the given name.

ChangeDatabase method

Changes the current database for an open ULConnection.

ChangeEncryptionKey method

UL Ext.: Changes the database's encryption key to the specified new key.

ChangePassword method

Changes the password for the user indicated in the connection string to the supplied new password.

Close method

Closes the database connection.

CountUploadRows methods

UL Ext.: Returns the number of rows that need to be uploaded when the next synchronization takes place.

CreateCommand method

Creates and initializes a ULCommand object associated with this connection and its current transaction. You can use the properties of the ULCommand to control its behavior.

CreateNotificationQueue method

Create an event queue.

DeclareEvent method

Declare an named event.

DestroyNotificationQueue method

Destroy a event queue.

[external link] EnlistTransaction (inherited from DbConnection)

Enlists in the specified transaction.

ExecuteNextSQLPassthroughScript method

Execute the next pending SQL pass-through script.

ExecuteSQLPassthroughScripts method

Execute all of the pending SQL pass-through scripts.

ExecuteTable methods

UL Ext.: Retrieves in a ULTable a database table for direct manipulation. The table is opened (sorted) using the table's primary key.

GetLastDownloadTime method

UL Ext.: Returns the time of the most recent download of the specified publication.

GetNewUUID method

UL Ext.: Generates a new UUID (System.Guid).

GetNotification method

Block for notification or timeout. Returns event name or null.

GetNotificationParameter method

Get value of a parameter, for an event just read by GetNotification().

GetSQLPassthroughScriptCount method

Get the number of pending SQL pass-through scripts.

GetSchema methods

Returns schema information for the data source of this [external link] DbConnection.

GrantConnectTo method

UL Ext.: Grants access to an UltraLite database for a user ID with a specified password.

Open method

Opens a connection to a database using the previously-specified connection string.

RegisterForEvent method

Register a queue to get events from an object.

ResetLastDownloadTime method

UL Ext.: Resets the time of the most recent download.

RevokeConnectFrom method

UL Ext.: Revokes access to an UltraLite database from the specified user ID.

RollbackPartialDownload method

UL Ext.: Rolls back outstanding changes to the database from a partial download.

SendNotification method

Send a notification to matching queues. Returns the number of matching queues.

StartSynchronizationDelete method

UL Ext.: Marks all subsequent deletes made by this connection for synchronization.

StopSynchronizationDelete method

UL Ext.: Prevents delete operations from being synchronized.

Synchronize methods

UL Ext.: Synchronize the database using the current ULConnection.SyncParms.

TriggerEvent method

Trigger an event. Returns the number of notifications sent.

ValidateDatabase method

Performs validation on the current database.

Public events
Member name Description

InfoMessage event

Occurs when UltraLite.NET sends a warning or an informational message on this connection.

StateChange event

Occurs when this connection changes state.

See also