ConnectionString property

Specifies the parameters to use for opening a connection to an UltraLite.NET database. The connection string can be supplied using a ULConnectionParms object.

Visual Basic

Public Overrides Property ConnectionString As String

public override string  ConnectionString  { get; set; }
Property value

The parameters used to open this connection in the form of a semicolon-separated list of keyword-value pairs. The default is an empty string (an invalid connection string).


UL Ext.: The parameters used by UltraLite.NET are specific to UltraLite databases and therefore the connection string is not compatible with SQL Anywhere connection strings. For a list of parameters, see UltraLite connection parameters reference.

Parameter values must not contain semi-colons (;), or begin with either a single quote (') or a double quote (") character. Leading and trailing spaces in values are ignored.

By default, connections are opened with UID=DBA and PWD=sql. To make the database more secure, change the user DBA's password or create new users (using GrantConnectTo) and remove the DBA user (using RevokeConnectFrom).


The following code creates and opens a connection to the existing database \UltraLite\MyDatabase.udb on a Windows Mobile device.

' Visual Basic
Dim openParms As ULConnectionParms = New ULConnectionParms
openParms.DatabaseOnCE = "\UltraLite\MyDatabase.udb"
Dim conn As ULConnection = New ULConnection
conn.ConnectionString = openParms.ToString()

// C#
ULConnectionParms openParms = new ULConnectionParms();
openParms.DatabaseOnCE = @"\UltraLite\MyDatabase.udb";
ULConnection conn = new ULConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = openParms.ToString();
See also