CountUploadRows(String, Int64) method

UL Ext.: Returns the number of rows that need to be uploaded when the next synchronization takes place.

Visual Basic

Public Function CountUploadRows( _
   ByVal pubs As String, _
   ByVal threshold As Long _
) As Long

public long CountUploadRows(
   string  pubs,
   long threshold
  • pubs   A comma separated list of publications to check for rows./>

  • threshold   The maximum number of rows to count, limiting the amount of time taken by CountUploadRows. A value of 0 corresponds to the maximum limit. A value of 1 determines if any rows need to be synchronized. The threshold value must be in the range [0,0x0ffffffff].

Return value

The number of rows that need to be uploaded from the specified publication(s).


This method is provided for languages that do not support the System.UInt32 type natively. Use the other form of this method if your application supports it.

See also