UltraLite Create Database utility (ulcreate)

Creates an UltraLite database with the properties you define.

ulcreate  [ options ][ new-database-file]
Option Description
-c "connection-string"

Create the database as identified in the DBF or file_name parameter of your connection-string. If you do not specify both a user ID and a password, the default UID of DBA and PWD of sql are assumed. If you do specify a userid and password, those will be required to access the database.

If you do not provide a file name as a parameter in the connection string, ulcreate checks the end of the command for the file you specified as new-database-file.

-g global-ID Set the initial database ID to the INTEGER value you assign. This initial value is used with a partition size for new rows that have global autoincrement columns. When deploying an application, you must assign a different range of identification numbers to each database for synchronization with the MobiLink server. See UltraLite global_database_id option.
-l List the available collation sequences and exit.

-o [ extended-options ]

Specify a semicolon separated list of UltraLite database creation parameters. See Choosing database creation parameters for UltraLite.
-ol List the available database creation parameters and exit. See Choosing database creation parameters for UltraLite.

-p creator-ID

Required for Palm OS when the database is being installed to the record store. Create the database with the specified four character creator-ID of the UltraLite client application. If you are deploying the database to a VFS store, then do not use this option.
-q Set the utility to run in quiet mode. Suppress informational banners, version numbers, and status messages. Error messages are still displayed, however.
-t file Loads the specified file containing the public trusted root certificate into the database, thus eliminating the requirement to download the trusted_certificates sync parameter. This certificate is required for server authentication.
-v Print verbose messages.
-y Overwrite the database file if it exists.
-z collation-sequence Specify the label of the collation to be used.
new-database-file Create a file with the specified name. Only use this standalone file name if you are not using a connection string to set initial database parameters like a user ID (UID) or a password (PWD). Ensure the standalone file name you set is appropriate for your platform.

If you do not set any database properties, ulcreate creates a case insensitive database with a collation sequence that depends on the current locale.

Database passwords are always case sensitive, regardless of the case-sensitivity of the database. Database case sensitivity depends on whether you use the case=respect creation parameter.

The collation sequence is used for all string comparisons in the database. In UltraLite, collations include a code page plus a sort order. If you do not specify -z, ulcreate attempts to determine a reasonable collation to use based on the current locale of the desktop.

To see a list of supported collations (and its corresponding codepage), run ulcreate -l at a command prompt.

Determining whether or not to use the UTF-8 encoding depends on the operating system of your device.

Palm OS databases written to the desktop must be identified with the .pdb extension. However, once you deploy the database to the device, the extension is dropped. For more information about file name formats, see Palm OS.

You cannot deploy UltraLite databases with the Palm install tool if the target is a VFS volume. Instead, you need to copy the database directly onto the media using a card reader, or some other tool.

This utility returns error codes. Any value other than 0 means that the operation failed.

See also

Create an UltraLite database called test.udb as a case-insensitive, non-Unicode database with a collation sequence that depends on the current locale:

ulcreate test.udb

Create a case sensitive database called test.udb, so that the database is created with ISO-compatible date formatting and ordering:

ulcreate -c DBF=test.udb -o case=respect;date_format=YYYY-MM-DD;date_order=YMD

Create an encrypted database called test.udb with the afvc_1835 encryption key:

ulcreate -c "DBF=test.udb;DBKEY=afvc_1835"