Supported exit codes

The ulcreate, ulload, ulsync, and ulunload utilities return exit codes to indicate whether or not the operation a utility attempted to complete was successful or not. 0 indicates a successful operation. Any other value indicates that the operation failed.

Exit code Status Description
0 EXIT_OKAY Operation successful.
1 EXIT_FAIL Operation failure.
3 EXIT_FILE_ERROR Database cannot be found.
4 EXIT_OUT_OF_MEMORY Exhausted all of the device's dynamic memory.
6 EXIT_COMMUNICATIONS_FAIL Communications error generated while talking to the UltraLite engine.
9 EXIT_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT Invalid UID or PWD provided, therefore cannot connect to the database.
12 EXIT_BAD_ENCRYPT_KEY Missing or invalid encryption key.
13 EXIT_DB_VER_NEWER Detected that the database version is incompatible. The database must be upgraded to a newer version.
255 EXIT_USAGE Invalid command line options.