Introducing CustDB

What is CustDB?

The CustDB sample is installed with SQL Anywhere. It is a multi-tiered database management solution that implements MobiLink synchronization with a SQL Anywhere consolidated database.

CustDB consists of the following:

  • A consolidated SQL Anywhere database. This data is pre-populated with sales status data.
  • A remote UltraLite database. This database is initially empty.
  • An UltraLite client application.
  • A MobiLink server synchronization sample with synchronization scripts.

Different versions of the application code exists for each supported programming interface and platform. However, this tutorial references the compiled version of the application for Windows desktops only. Remember that each version implements UltraLite features with some variation to conform to the conventions of each platform.


You can only run one instance of CustDB at a time. Trying to run more than one instance brings the first instance to the foreground.

What does it do?

CustDB allows sales personnel to track and monitor transactions and then pool information from two types of users:

  • Sales personnel that authenticate with user IDs 51, 52, and 53.
  • Mobile managers that authenticate with user ID 50.

Information gathered by these different users can be synchronized with the consolidated database.

Goals of UltraLite CustDB tutorials

After following each lessons you will know how to:

  • Run the MobiLink server to carry out data synchronization between the consolidated database and the UltraLite remote.
  • Use Sybase Central to browse the data in the UltraLite remote.
  • Manage UltraLite databases with UltraLite command line utilities.
See also