CustDB sample file locations

SQL Anywhere CustDB database

This is the consolidated database. During installation, an ODBC data source called SQL Anywhere 11 CustDB is created for this database.

The CustDB installation depends on whether you want to use the existing sample or recreate a new file:

  • For the existing sample: samples-dir\UltraLite\CustDB\custdb.db
  • Erases changes that were synchronized into the consolidated CustDB.db file, so you have a clean version to work with: samples-dir\UltraLite\CustDB\newdb.bat

For more information about the schema of this file, see Exploring the CustDB sample for MobiLink.

For more information about the default location of samples-dir, by operating system, see Samples directory.

The UltraLite CustDB database

The remote version of the consolidated database that contains only a subset of the information, depending on which user synchronizes the database.

The file name and location can vary depending on the platform, programming language, or even device.

  • For UltraLite.NET: samples-dir\UltraLite.NET\CustDB\Common\
  • For all other platforms and APIs: samples-dir\UltraLite\CustDB\custdb.udb

For more information about the default location of samples-dir, by operating system, see Samples directory.

RDBMS-specific build scripts

The SQL scripts that rebuild a CustDB consolidated database for any one of the supported RDBMSs.

In the samples-dir\MobiLink\CustDB directory, you can find the following files:

For more information about setting up a consolidated database, see Setting up the CustDB consolidated database.

For more information about the default location of samples-dir, by operating system, see Samples directory.

UltraLite CustDB client applications and ReadMe files

These are the end-user tools that provide a user-friendly interface to the UltraLite remote database. There is a sample client installed for each supported API.

Each client application also contains a ReadMe.html or ReadMe.txt file. The contents of these files vary. However in some cases they outline the steps required to build and run that sample.

The location the applications and its ReadMe depends on your development environment. See Lesson 1: Building and running the CustDB application.

SQL synchronization logic

These are the SQL statements needed to query and modify information from the UltraLite database and the calls required to start synchronization with the consolidated database.


For more information about the default location of samples-dir, by operating system, see Samples directory.

See also