Configuring UltraLite clients to use transport-layer security

MobiLink transport-layer security is an inherent feature of the MobiLink HTTPS protocol. If you use HTTPS and UltraLite clients, you can specify trusted certificates and certificate fields directly as network protocol options.

For more information about specifying the HTTPS protocol for your UltraLite interface, see Network protocol options for UltraLite synchronization streams.

For more information about the tls_type synchronization parameter, see tls_type.

To configure your UltraLite client to use transport-layer security over TCP/IP or HTTPS

  1. There are two ways to specify trusted root certificates:

  2. Specify the TCP/IP or HTTPS protocol for synchronization. The keyword for secure TCP/IP is tls.

    The following example is in C/C++ UltraLite. To specify tls, change https to tls.

    auto ul_synch_info synch_info;
    conn.InitSynchInfo( &synch_info );
    synch_info.user_name = UL_TEXT( "50" );
    synch_info.version = UL_TEXT( "ul_default" );
    ... = "https";
  3. Specify TCP/IP or HTTPS protocol options.

    The following example is in C/C++ UltraLite. To specify tls, change https to tls.

    auto ul_synch_info synch_info;
    ... = "https";
    synch_info.stream_parms = TEXT(
           certificate_company=Sybase, Inc.;

    The certificate_company, certificate_unit, and certificate_name protocol options are used to verify certificate fields.

    See Verifying certificate fields.

    You can also specify the trusted_certificates HTTPS protocol option, which overrides any trusted certificate information embedded in the UltraLite database (Step 1 of this procedure). The trusted_certificates protocol option is not available on Palm OS.

    auto ul_synch_info synch_info;
    ... = "https";
    synch_info.stream_parms = TEXT(
           certificate_company=Sybase, Inc.;

    For more information about HTTPS options, see Network protocol options for UltraLite synchronization streams.