Tuning the message sending process

The turnaround time for replication is governed by how often each sites sends messages and how often each site polls for incoming messages. To achieve a small time lag between data entry and data replication, you can set a small value for the -sd Message Agent option, which controls the frequency for polling to see if more data needs to be sent.

Issues to consider

The issues to consider when tuning the message-sending process are similar to those when tuning the incoming-message polling frequency:

  • Regular messages   Your choices dictate how often updates are sent to remote databases.

  • Resend requests   When a remote user requests that a message be resent, the Message Agent needs to take special action that can interrupt regular message sending. You can control the urgency with which these resend requests are processed.

  • Number and size of messages   If you send messages very frequently, there is more chance of small messages being sent. Sending messages less frequently allows more instructions to be grouped in a single message. If a large number of small messages is a concern for your message system, then you may have to avoid using very small polling periods.

See Tuning incoming message polling.

Polling interval
Resending messages